Commercials that get up your nose!

wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
Does anyone have any commercials on television that really get on your nerves? Personally, I can't stand watching the Gillette advert because it reminds me of "Gladiators" (don't ask why). We've got plenty of crappy adverts on the tele so which one get's damn annoying and which do you like?


  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    Annoying commercials? Don't get me started. ALL cosmetics adverts!

    The spot cream thats supposed to work over 24 hours, SHE'S GOT NO F!$^"%ING SPOTS ANYWAY!!

    21 year old women advertising anti wrinkle cream, WHATS THE POINT?!

    You get the point. I'm going to stop myself now!
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • carver97carver97 New York, USAPosts: 78MI6 Agent
    Any of the corny McDonalds comercials.

    Oh, god, and those effing "Spam" commercials! ARGH! (clap clap) "More Spam!!!" God, do I hate those!
  • The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
    edited August 2004
    Quoting carver97:
    Any of the corny McDonalds comercials.
    Funny, I was just coming to this topic to say that, myself. ;)

    I hate that stupid "i'm lovin' it" thing. X-( (I wrote a review for McDonald's, if you want to check out the Mole forum, Task 6 :D ).

    Also, the Eggo waffles commercials with the guy in the waffle suit are getting quite annoying (it's only been the 1000000000000000000000000th time they've aired the same ones. . . .)

    Oh, and any of those "singles hotlines" things. Seeing the same woman wearing the same shirt with the same cheesy voice saying "It's fun . . . It's free. . . ." every five minutes gets so annoying! Besides, they're not free in the first place--you only TRY it for free . . . After that, you probably pay $3.00 a minute.

    Okay, I've ranted long enough. Someone else's turn. ;)
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting dalton5:
    The Loreal adverts where at the end they always say "Because i'm worth it."

    Yeah, Because theyre worth £2.99 the price of the shampoo :D
  • KielFan91KielFan91 Posts: 8MI6 Agent
    I think tampon and pad comercials can be obsecne. Have you seen the rowboat one?
    It fells unfortable when I'm watching the tv with family or friends and one of the commercials comes on.
  • Stromberg1Stromberg1 Posts: 32MI6 Agent
    Quoting wormlover:
    Does anyone have any commercials on television that really get on your nerves? Personally, I can't stand watching the Gillette advert because it reminds me of "Gladiators" (don't ask why). We've got plenty of crappy adverts on the tele so which one get's damn annoying and which do you like?

    Yes. They are the most annoying commercials besides the ones that make no sense and you have no clue until the last second of the commercial. The person singing, "Gillete, the best a man can get." gets me doing flips off the wall, I can't stand that irratating song.
  • yodboy007yodboy007 McMinn CountyPosts: 129MI6 Agent
    I hate those commercials for I think. They always have some dumb guy looking on the internet saying "Oh, we could do this." Then he takes a few seconds to think it over. Something stupid always happens and he decides to do something else. I hate these commercials so much I have to turn the channel!
  • The Sly FoxThe Sly Fox USAPosts: 467MI6 Agent
    edited August 2004
    Quoting yodboy007:
    I hate those commercials for I think. They always have some dumb guy looking on the internet saying "Oh, we could do this." Then he takes a few seconds to think it over. Something stupid always happens and he decides to do something else. I hate these commercials so much I have to turn the channel!
    Aren't those commercials for I can't remember the last time that I saw a commercial. :)

    Anyway, I personally find them kind of funny . . . Or at least I used to. Now, they're getting quite old. . . . ;)
  • The CatThe Cat Where Blofeld is!Posts: 711MI6 Agent
    Any commercials advertizing desodors with sporting guys doing moto-cross, rock-climbing and ultramarathon on one day. Come on!

    My ideal commercial of a desodor is a guy like me, sitting in front of a computer in a room with no air condition. I dare to say I sweat more than those sport-hunks do. Come on, creativity!
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I can't stand the new commercial for Jack-in-the-Box's "Natural Cut Fries." I've seen it twenty six times within the last three days, and it's not funny at all. Maybe I'm acting like a conspiracy theorist or pretentious intellectual, but I'm really tired of all of the low American jibes at the French. It's been over a year now; can't people stop acting so immature? Thankfully we don't have widespread freedom fries.
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • the witchdoctorthe witchdoctor Posts: 24MI6 Agent
    I also hate cosmetic adverts.Also, any add in black and white also sucks.Come on people! Lets test that modern tv power a little!
  • The BaronThe Baron Posts: 66MI6 Agent
    I hate those infomercials that they show hours at a time.
  • one night standone night stand Posts: 127MI6 Agent
    Quoting KielFan91:
    I think tampon and pad comercials can be obsecne. Have you seen the rowboat one?
    It fells unfortable when I'm watching the tv with family or friends and one of the commercials comes on.

    Yes, I've seen that one, it is just so inconvienent. I hate people that laugh at that too.

    I hate the Egg-Stractor (and commercials like it), it is not that hard to peel an egg.

    Also the spam commercials, where they do the perfect family joke, it annoys the crap out of me.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Can anyone explain to me the one with the Japanese Cowboys that have that giant Jellyfish and celebrate by making it drink some beer then they do the robotic dance? (i'm dead serious about that advert, it's UK and makes no sense to me)
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting DFXX:
    But the adverts that I actually like to see (don't call me sad!) is the Stella Artois ones, they're really well made for just an advertisements. Have you seen the one where the pilot hides in the trunk and the Germans come in? It looks like a real movie!

    These adverts are always class, the only thing is that they change them about twice a year so they get incredibly repetitive after a while
  • Lady RoseLady Rose London,UKPosts: 2,667MI6 Agent
    edited September 2004
    Re the Jellyfish..........I had 6 friends over last night and we all saw that commercial and not one of us got it!! It really is terrible.

    I cant bear it when the advertisers try and get all clever.

    I like the Stella ads as well.
  • one night standone night stand Posts: 127MI6 Agent
    One commercial that I cant hold my laughter in is the Jetta commercial. It is the one where the guy cant stop laughing, it is such a contagious laughter that I always end up cracking up.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    edited October 2004
    I don't remember the restaurant and these ads were a while back, so I don't really know if anyone here can recall them, but there was a certain one advertising Baby Back Ribs that would drive me to drink. Two open grill cooks in the back kitchen start playing the spoons and banging on pans while singing the immortal classic. "I want my Baby back, baby back, baby back, (repeat 37 times) baby back, baby back. I felt like Elvis did when Robert Goulet was on. . .
  • TracyTracy the VillagePosts: 369MI6 Agent
    I still remember that one-that would be for Chili's Restaurants.

    Sorry if I'm causing any psychological trauma there, Alex :)).
    Flattery will get you nowhere, but don't stop trying.
  • AlexAlex The Eastern SeaboardPosts: 2,694MI6 Agent
    Quoting Tracy:
    I still remember that one-that would be for Chili's Restaurants.

    Sorry if I'm causing any psychological trauma there, Alex :)).
    Nothing a good clicker can't fix! ;)
  • Jedi MasterJedi Master UKPosts: 1,093MI6 Agent
    Wasn't this topic opened a while ago?! I feel I'm about to repeat myself! But hey I don't care!

    I hate cosmetics adverts, shampoo adverts and the likes.

    "Try our new cream (shows picture of a tub of face cream) it's not surgery (no way?!) But it is proven to reduce wrinkles and the signs of ageing. (21 year old woman comes on and rubs cream on her face, flashes her tits and ass and acts like her life has been saved."

    It's the same with shampoo! Oh well what ya gonna do!
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and everyone dies.
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    As much as I don't care for football, I love the current Carling Lager 'Love football' ad (filmed in Glasgow, by the way). "Whoo hoo, whoo hoo hoo" Class :D

    The Travelocity ads with Alan Whicker are superb too, as are the Typhoo tea (bucket of water) ads - but my favourite at the moment is the Smirnoff Red one with the Russian 'doll'. It's fantastic.

    Ads I loathe include all those which feature Linda "Snip snip" Barker, Michael "Calm down, dear" Winner, ANYTHING which features David Beckham (Wilkinson Sword welcomes a new customer thanks to his endorsement of Gillette), Addidas, 118 118, and that sodding nodding dog from Churchill...

    Though the Renault Megane one gets an honourable mention, not because the ad annoys me, but because I've got "I see you baby, shakin' that ass" stuck in my head for hours afterward...
  • Moonraker 5Moonraker 5 Ayrshire, ScotlandPosts: 1,821MI6 Agent
    edited October 2004
    By the way, a cracking website for those of you who hear a piece of music in an ad that you like and don't know what it is...

    (UK TV only)
  • CJ0071979CJ0071979 Posts: 1MI6 Agent
    The one that gets on our nerves the most is Michael Winner "Calm Down Dear It's Just a Commercial" ones for Esure insurance and all the other pain in the ass ones that have followed since - with people driving others mad using the same slogan. There's now one set in a hospital where people have got this illness where they keep saying the slogans and I'm sure that one of the women on the hospital trollies used to be in Brookside.God help the person that get's stuck in a lift with Michael Winner

    Then there's the Vanish stain remover add with that woman who played the lesbian prision officer in Bad Girls. She says: "Trust Pink" as she chucks a load of spagheti sause and ink over a woman who stupidly just stands there and lets her. I say I'd rather go round to Hanibal Lecters for dinner than degrade myself like that by being in one of those god awful ads.

    As fot the Jellyfish... I think that's what happens when people in the advertising world mess with illegal substances. Best viewed having consumed a bottle of Vodka.

    To end on a positive note both my wife and I find the Lynx advert where the couple have to collect their clothes from all round the streets and supermarket isles, to the tune of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" quite ammusing.
  • General_OurumovGeneral_Ourumov United KingdomPosts: 861MI6 Agent
    edited November 2004
    The winners of most annoying adverts are;

    Norwich Union Direct and their "Quote me Happy" adverts.

    Must mention Cadbury's with their "Your happiness loves Cadbury" line.

    ...and also that goddamn talking blue cartoon telephone on
    the "Lombard Direct" ads. AAAHHHHH!
  • Professor Dr MetzProfessor Dr Metz Posts: 4MI6 Agent

    Honestly, I cover my ears and look away when that advert is on the television.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    I think it's incredibly safe to say that any Insurance Advert is annoying!
  • one night standone night stand Posts: 127MI6 Agent
    Quoting wormlover:
    I think it's incredibly safe to say that any Insurance Advert is annoying!

    Yup. Here we have annoying Safe Auto commercials. And there is another one called Bar One where a sock puppet goes around. GRRR.

    I should say that I think the new Lexus (I think) commercial is pretty funny. The husband and wife keep racing each other to drive the SUV and they are getting up earlier and earlier every day.
  • bobfagent 004bobfagent 004 Posts: 55MI6 Agent
    edited November 2004
    There was a commericial that was actually almost sort of funny because of how intense it was. It was a commercial for WWE "No Mercy" and they had one of those deep-voiced announcers saying about "The only way this match ends is in the back of a Hearst, sending one tortured soul on his last ride."
    O-kaaay. Whatever.
  • wormloverwormlover Formerly Derbyshire, UKPosts: 46MI6 Agent
    Quoting Cables:
    I find the Halifax adverts "Give you extra" rather irritating with Howard and Angela.

    How dare ye, Howard is great! his Brummie accent and all, some of the best adverts out there!
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